How can you set yourself apart from the competition and get people to remember you?
Offer them something of value that they can take with you when they leave…a senior fair, a conference, or your website.  A white paper on senior relevant topics is the perfect solution.  Not only are you giving something away, but the content on the white paper supports your position as a subject matter expert on topics relating to seniors and caregiving.

How can writing great articles on a variety of topics be easy?
You don’t have to write them yourself.  A smart woman, Emily Saltz, offered a colleague an important piece of advice – you don’t have to do everything in your business yourself, do what you love to do, and pay others to help you with the rest.  Subscribing to our AgeWise content licensing program will provide you with access to 16 articles on topics such as Alzheimer’s disease, medications, senior nutrition, caregiver needs, and healthy aging…per month.  Then, all you have to do is copy and paste them into your letterhead – bam – white paper!

How can a whitepaper be used?

  • Events – when you speak, attend senior fairs or other events, provide a variety of white papers on different topics to get people’s attention.
  • Direct mail – include a white paper on an important topic in a direct mail campaign
  • Email marketing – offer links to your white papers in your emails to encourage people to open them
  • Website – offer white papers for download on your website…you can even ask for people to give you their name and email address prior to the download, so then you can email them later!
  • Facebook & Twitter  – give white papers to your social media followers to encouarage likes and retweets
  • Linked In – share the link on your status to share with your contacts…and referral sources!
  • Search engine optimization – content is king on the Internet, and white papers add relavant content to your website to support your search engine ranking on a variety of topics.

Are you interested in learning more?
Learn more about AgeWise and preview the content online at  You will be amazed at what you can do for under $80 per month and a little letterhead!  Contact us for more information.