Online reviews are an integral part of your business’s online reputation. Whether you provide home health care or run a nursing home, reviews about your work, staff, or facility are essential to growing and retaining your customer base.

Last month, we talked about online reviews and why they’re so important. There are no two ways about it; consumers look for user reviews and have come to expect some level of acknowledgment and response from companies. We’ve provided some tips when it comes to responding to reviews:

  • Be timely and always respond
  • Be professional and courteous
  • Be proactive in generating positive reviews

But managing reviews can be tough. The number of sites customers use to review businesses grows by the day, and getting your customers to the ones you’d like them to use can be a challenge. You can’t tell someone to go find you on Google and review you there and expect to be successful—you want to make it as easy for them as possible.

How can you streamline the sources of your online reputation while generating positive reviews?
Our 5-Star Review Form enables you to cultivate online reviews by encouraging people who really like you (4-5 star reviewers) to share their experience on other review sites, and filtering out people who are not happy (1-3 star reviewers) by offering them a short survey to learn more about how you can improve their experiences.

Great Reviews (4-5 stars) Go to Online Review Sites
With our form, users submit a star rating through your website first. Star ratings of 4 stars or more are then offered direct links to review you on your preferred review sites like Google, Yelp, or Facebook. Don’t know which ones to use? Our team will help you make selections based on what’s ranking in search in your market.

Less Desirable Reviews (1-3 stars) Do Not
Ratings lower than 3 stars are provided with a feedback form that gives your team valuable insight into what you need do to improve. Questions on this form are fully customizable, so you can target aspects of your service that are important to you. Low-star responses are stored indefinitely on your site, so you can refer back to them whenever you need to. Notifications of reviews, regardless of star rating, can be emailed to whomever you choose.

Make Reputation Management Easier

With our 5-Star Review Form, you make it easier for customers to provide reviews, and you make it easier for your team to cultivate positive stories. Then, you can focus on what matters most—running your business and keeping your customers happy so that they can give you great reviews! To learn more about the 5-Star Review Form, contact us today!